#LinuxMint #Proxmox #VirtualMachine Full steps can be found at https://i12bretro.github.io/tutorials/0867.html    01. Log into the Proxmox web UI    02. Select a storage from the left navigation pane to download the .iso to    03. Select ISO Images in the left sub-navigation pane    04. Download the Linux Mint iso  https://linuxmint.com/download.php and upload it to the Proxmox ISO image library    05. Right click the Proxmox node name ≫ Create VM    06. Give the VM a unique ID and Name ≫ Next    07. On the OS tab, Select the Linux Mint installation .iso file, leave the Type as Linux and the Version as 5.x - 2.6 Kernel ≫ Next    08. Leave the defaults on the System tab ≫ Next    09. On the Hard Disk tab, set the Disk size to 30 GiB or more ≫ Next    10. On the CPU tab, set Cores to 2 or more and Type to host ≫ Next    11. On the Memory tab, set the Memory to 4096 ≫ Next    12. Leave the defaults on the Network tab ≫ Next    13. Verify the summary and click Finish    14. Right click the Linux Mint VM in the left navigation pane ≫ Start    15. Click console in the left sub-navigation menu    16. Press Enter to Start Linux Mint (or wait 10 seconds)    17. Double click the Install Linux Mint icon on the desktop    18. Select a language ≫ Click Continue    19. Select a keyboard layout ≫ Click Continue    20. Choose whether or not to install multimedia codecs ≫ Click Continue    21. Click Install Now then Continue to confirm the partitions    22. Select a Region ≫ Click continue    23. Enter a name, computer name, username and password ≫ Click Continue    24. Wait while Linux Mint copies files and installs    25. When prompted to Restart, click Restart Now to complete the installation, the VM will reboot    26. When prompted to remove the installation medium, select Hardware from the left sub-navigation menu ≫ Double click the CD/DVD drive ≫ Select Do not use any media ≫ Click OK    27. Select Options from the left sub-navigation menu    28. Double click QEMU Guest Agent ≫ Check the Use QEMU Guest Agent box ≫ Click OK    29. Right click the Linux Mint VM in the left navigation pane ≫ Start    30. Click console in the left sub-navigation menu    31. Press Enter at the remove installation medium prompt to continue the boot process    32. Login with the username and password created earlier in the process    33. Welcome to Linux Mint   -------------------------------------------------------------------- Optional Steps --------------------------------------------------------------------    01. Launch a terminal window    02. Run the following commands          # update software repositories          sudo apt update          # install qemu guest agent          sudo apt install qemu-guest-agent -y   ### Connect with me and others ### ★ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EzenvmSHW8 ★ Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/i12bretro ★ Twitter: https://twitter.com/i12bretro